The little SABO lawn lesson

What type of turf, for what purpose?

Not all lawns are the same. There are at least as many different seed mixtures as there are purposes. In addition to the location and soil conditions, the subsequent use is the most important factor in selecting the right type of lawn. Confused? Don’t worry: we will briefly introduce you to the three most important types of lawn here.


Ornamental lawns, also known as English lawns, are primarily intended for decorative purposes and are therefore suitable for house gardens and front gardens. It is dense, fine-leaved and delights its owners with a lush green. However, it is not very resilient. Although it can be walked on, children playing or dogs romping around will quickly put an end to it. Its growth rate is low – but its maintenance requirements are high. Frequent mowing is just as necessary as scarifying, watering and fertilizing. Its ideal cutting height is 5 cm.

5 cm cutting height


This popular lawn variety is the “all-rounder” among lawn varieties. It is ideal for home gardens, public areas, lawns or housing estates. The “RSM 2.3 Utility Turf Play Turf” variety is particularly popular with gardeners. It is robust, resilient and stress-resistant – even against drought. Play and utility turf grows moderately strong, dense and is usually tolerant of short cuts. The amount of maintenance required depends on the load, but is comparatively low. The optimum cutting height is 3.5 to 5 cm.

3.5 – 5 cm cutting height


Turf on sports fields must be able to withstand high loads. The sports turf mixtures therefore use the particularly tread-resistant and regenerative grasses perennial ryegrass and meadow grass. By adding water and fertilizer, this turf can develop a hard-wearing turf that can withstand extreme stresses such as regular soccer matches. It is also not susceptible to weeds. However, this type of lawn is rarely used in gardens due to its rather rustic appearance. Its ideal cutting height is 4 to 5 cm.

4 – 5 cm cutting height

Mehr Farbe im Garten: Die Blumenwiese.

Warum eigentlich nur Rasen? Legen Sie doch zusätzlich ein Beet mit Blumenwiese an! Mit ihrer Artenvielfalt ist sie hübsch anzusehen – und wird zum wertvollen Biotop für Kleintiere und Insekten wie Schmetterlinge, Wildbienen und Hummeln. Der Pflegeaufwand ist relativ gering: Zweimal im Jahr Mähen genügt; gedüngt wird nur bei Bedarf. Im Fachhandel finden Sie Blumenwiesenmischungen, die auf die unterschiedlichen Bodenarten abgestimmt sind. Und für den perfekten Schnitt sorgen unsere Rasenmäher mit Seitenauswurf